Because CHAMP actively seeks participation from all interested horse and mule people, we invite you to join us in supporting and promoting equine activities in the Village of Corrales. As a member, you will:
- Support and further equine activities in our Village of Corrales; these activities include
- Training first responders in appropriate techniques for handling and rescuing horses and mules
- Buying and/or subsidizing the purchase of special, horse-related equipment for the Village
- Participating in parades, the Annual Spring Recreational Ride, the Horse Expo at Harvest Festival, the Fall Trail Ride, and other Village events
- Be the first to learn of CHAMP seminars, clinics, and events developed to enhance your knowledge, safety, and pleasure of equine ownership and activity
- Receive the latest news on equine health and safety issues
You can pay your yearly dues online or download the form
Click Here to Download CHAMP Renewal Form
Please download the form, fill it out online, then print and mail with dues to:
CHAMP, PO Box 1064, Corrales, NM 87048
*** OR ***
Pay Dues Online thru PayPal
A PayPal account is not required to pay online, you will be able to enter your Credit / Debit Card number.
Individual Membership $20.00
Family Membership $30.00
If you would consider an additional donation