Patti Flanagan – President

Patti is a native New Mexican with family ties to Corrales for over 40 years. She lives in Corrales and has three horses. After retiring Patti learned horse massage through a 60- hour horse massage course. She started her equine massage business which expanded into barn help and more. Patti believes in Corrales and sees it as an amazing village with character and much of that is thanks to the horses in our community. Patti previously helped with recreation rides and parades. She believes in supporting the village, its history and traditions. She is active in Corrales helping at many different events throughout the village.
Jody Irick – Vice President

Jody Irick has been a resident of Corrales since 1979 and a horse owner since she was 13 years old, and a rider of all disciplines, though now just preferring pleasure riding on the many trails in the area. I hope that by serving on the CHAMP board we may continue to maintain our rural heritage with equines in the village, and actively engage with other recreational users to cooperate and keep the trails open to all.
Curt Scribner – Secretary

I recently moved to Corrales after spending the last 20 years in Montana. I have been riding most of my life and I enjoy trail riding. I had just started learning to rope and move cattle in Montana. I hope to support the equine community and keep the “corrals” in Corrales. My wife and I have two gray geldings that look almost alike even though we got them years apart. I also take old horseshoes and weld them into art projects when I get inspired.
Kaitlin Robinson – Treasurer

Kaitlin moved to Albuquerque in 2013 after graduating from Colorado State University with a degree in Ag Business. She has ridden for over 20+ years and owned horses for over 15 years. She currently rides dressage and plays on the trails but grew up riding hunter/jumper as well as a Pony Clubber. She loves to give back to the community by helping the CHAMP board and serving on the Corrales Equestrian Advisory Commission.